Video: Introduction
Welcome to the course!
I've structured the lessons to guide you through all the major areas of the body that we call "anatomy & physiology". But here are some of the other important things to know.
This is an online program, which means;
- You can watch at your own pace
- You can stretch without making other students uncomfortable
- You can pause me (I won't let you do this in my live classes)
- You can re-watch lessons
- You can login to the course whenever you need to reference or check on something.
And yet... it requires a different kind of engagement if you really want to succeed. I don't know your specific learning styles...but here's a few things that I know are helpful.
- Just like with a language, start learning vocabulary (make a list during lecture).
- Think about how you're going to internalize the knowledge.
- Drawing pictures.
- Teach your animal or 4th grader (speak out loud)
- Use the comments and answer the review questions.
- Take the quizzes to engage your thinking.
- Think about the lessons in everyday life and the natural world.
- Use a textbook as a reference as you work through the lessons.
And so finally, as we get started, please share...
What is the best way for you to internalize these lessons?